Sunday, December 28, 2008


First off, thanks for following this blog of nonsense.

Secondly, I think it's funny that my four followers consist of, at the moment, Mary Catherine Gallagher, Michael in a Santa beard, and two JAM displays of PDA. Of course, one of those is mine seeing as I feel the need to follow my own blogs. Hey, it makes it easier to get from one to the other, right? If only Cait would join, then I could include Jimmy Fallon among that elite group.

Whatever, Cait! (But thanks for reading anyway.)



  1. I have changed my picture. So you no longer have Mary Catherine Gallagher following you. Now you have my dad and me following you.

    I hope you had an excellent Sunday. I slept away my Sunday. I was up and down all day, but decided to sleep it away. (Feeling crappy usually does that.) But now, I'm wide awake. I have to get up at 9:30 to get ready for my appointments. Yuck!!!

    I hope your closing went well and you are safely tucked into bed at Genie's.


  2. wow, how did I go a month without replying to something about me that mentioned Jimmy?

    I don't have a picture and instead of following you for appearances, I could just check this out when you tell me to. :)

    1/2 of your followers are JAM PDA, omg. that's a lower ratio to how much of your everyday life is revolved around them though.
