Sunday, December 28, 2008

Today I discovered I'm illiterate

No, not in the sense of not being able to read. I can read. I write a little, too.

But apparently, I'm illiterate in the sense of knowing nothing whatsoever about literature. My mom and I attempted to play Trivial Pursuit: Book Lovers' Edition. Yikes. By some weird fluke, I actually won the game (although it was very close) but I swear we went through at least half the cards. Sad, so very sad. Every other question we were like, "I never heard of that." And on the other questions we were mostly like, "Oh I HEARD of that, but I never would have known." It's pretty sad when you can't even answer the questions in the kiddie lit category. Or when you just answer "Robert Ludlum" for every author category on the assumption that sooner or later that will be the answer. Thank God I finally got a question that was about Tom Clancy. And I only guessed Tom Clancy because the word "submarine" was in the question. Kari, have you played this game yet? OMG, it's ridiculous.

Oh, boy. Next time I am SO making her play The Office Trivia Game. So what if she's never seen the show? She can guess, right?


  1. The Office Trivia Game is primarily about Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy, so it should be a more rewarding night.

    P.S. I thought the blog was "Randomicity" at first and now the Police are stuck in my head.

  2. I would have felt so stupid playing that game as I know nothing because I'm not a big reader. The only books I read are kids books hahaha! Hey- I do have two small kids to read too everyday.

  3. I haven't played it yet, but I did look at the questions. I discovered that I'm not smart enough to play this game. :(

    I have read so many books to, but I don't think I'm mainstream enough.

    I do look forward to playing it with others. My co-workers at work read a lot of mainstream stuff and will kick my butt during this game.
