Saturday, August 8, 2009

Holy Crap, I don't remember how to do this ...

Hello world ... or the four people I will pester until they read this blog,

Okay, so it's been a while. I've been busy. Moving sucks. If I could ever get this house straightened up, I could take some pictures and show you what I've been busy with, but at the moment it still looks like a tornado hit. Which is, apparently, different from pornado. Huh, who knew?

So anyhoo, I pretty much forgot this blog even existed until yesterday when two fortuitous things happened. One was the Psych premiere and the other was stumbling onto a gem of a blog here on blogspot. And I thought to myself, Hey, I've got blogspot account. And I should write a blog about Psych. So there you go. But apparently I stopped here on the way.

So here's little bit of what I've been up to since I last bothered to post anything here. Um ... well ... nothing interesting, really. But here's some of the boring. So a day or two after my last blog, I finally managed, on attempt #3 to complete the closing on this house that I currently live in. No one worry about the blizzard. I like driving 5, 6 hours in the blinding snow. Which is good because that's what I proceeded to for the next 2 and half months while I traveled repeatedly from Peoria to Oswego to supervise replacing the carpet, and adding the upstairs laundry hook-up, etc. And oh yeah, the hours and hours and hours that I spent more or less single-handedly painting just about every room in the house. Okay, I had help with a few of the walls, but still ... it was lot of 18-24 hours straight of painting, just to fall asleep to my Early Edition DVDs while lying on a pile of air mattresses. It's glamorous, I know. So suck it.

Turns out I only thought I was having fun then. Nothing compares to the joys of moving. I mean, the moving 'crew' turned out to be on middle-aged dude and all the teenage boys he could rustle up. Consequently, they swarmed all over the house, randomly toting thinks out to the truck, and naturally, unloaded the truck in the same careful fashion. Which is why I found boxes marked living room in the basement and kitchen tools stored in the garage. Kitchen, garage, close enough, right? Yeah, I thought so. Now, I had a month between when I moved in and when I started my ill-fated baby-sitting gig, but yet nothing got done. Well, that's not entirely true. Boxes were unpacked, curtains were hung, furniture was built, rooms were rearranged. But it just didn't quite come together. And the 60 hours or more that I was out of house (coupled with the hours in the house consisting of nothing but sitting like a drugged and addled slouth on the couch, barely coherent) meant I didn't get anything done, either.

Which is how, in August, going on five months later that the house is still a disaster. But hey, I did manage to paint most of the rooms I didn't get to before and I painted the fence and the front porch and planted a couple of things. And I did have to go to another closing somewhere along the way. See, I've been busy. Busy logging in some excellent hours in front of the tv and here on the internet, anyway. So it's not like it's been a totally loss. And I only have one more room to paint ... and like 5 1/2 to straighten up and organize ... ooh, so close. And, oh yeah, I'm supposed to be finding a job, too. Ehn, more on that next time. Maybe.

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